Wesley Faulkner
Co-Host of Community Pulse
Wesley Faulkner is a first-generation American, public speaker, and podcaster. He is a founding member of the government transparency group Open Austin and a staunch supporter of racial justice, workplace equity, and neurodiversity. His professional experience spans technology from AMD, Atlassian, Dell, IBM, and MongoDB. Wesley currently works as a Head of Community at SingleStore, and serves on the board for SXSW.
Wesley Faulkner has hosted 63 Episodes.
After Pulse: Rediscovering In-Person Conferences
August 24th, 2022 | 16 mins 29 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
Our hosts reflect on their conversation in Episode 70 with Kerri and Jeff and cover key takeaways on in-person conferences and their role in DevRel.
Rediscovering In-Person Conferences (Ep 70)
August 10th, 2022 | 41 mins 53 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
Before the pandemic, we, as DevRel practitioners, focused most of our speaking efforts on in-person events. Now we have the option of speaking at in-person, virtual, and hybrid conferences. With this experience now in our rearview, let’s look ahead to rediscovering what the advantages are and what we get out of in-person events knowing what the other side looks like.
So Long, SJ, and Thanks for All the Quips (Ep 69)
June 10th, 2022 | 44 mins 24 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
In this episode, we say goodbye to our dear friend SJ Morris as co-host of the Community Pulse. Like many of us, sometimes the business of life and work makes it difficult to make time for the things we enjoy or even just time to take care of ourselves. We wanted to take the opportunity to say goodbye to SJ and also to talk about what folks can do to honestly and boldly confront their own burnout in DevRel.
After Pulse: Moving from Execution to Strategy
May 4th, 2022 | 17 mins 22 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
Our hosts reflect on their conversation in Episode 68 with Mo and Ashley and cover key takeaways on when to make moves in leadership positions in DevRel.
Moving from Execution to Strategy (Ep 68)
April 19th, 2022 | 43 mins 48 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
In the beginning, folks in DevRel had few paths outside of being an Individual Contributor. As our field has evolved, more opportunities have arisen for more strategic roles. DevRel leadership is one of the most sought after roles for many organizations in recent months. What should we look for when considering making the move to strategist versus the out front IC? What can we learn from those who have made that journey?
After Pulse: Your Content, Their Brand
March 3rd, 2022 | 19 mins 46 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
PJ, Wesley, and SJ sit down to discuss what they learned from our guests on content creation and ownership, as well as setting expectations for this with the brands we work with.
Your Content, Their Brand (Ep 66)
February 24th, 2022 | 35 mins 8 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
When we create content, the ideas and concepts typically come from ourselves or our community members. But when we work for a larger organization, things get complicated. Some of us create content as a part of our day-to-day role; some of us create content outside of work hours. Now that we as DevRel professionals produce even more online content to connect with our community, there’s some ambiguity about the ownership of this content.
DevRel: What's Your Story? - Community Pulse Live! (Ep 65)
January 21st, 2022 | 48 mins 18 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
The journey to DevRel is a winding one. We all have our own stories about how we wound up where we are — from intentional plans to happy accidents, as hosts of this podcast we’ve heard them all. One thing’s for sure, y’all’s stories are interesting, so we wanted to get together and talk about our journeys — what we have in common, funny anecdotes along the way, and what we can do to uplift the next generation of folks wanting to get started on this wild ride.
End of Year Wrap-up - 2021 (Ep 64)
December 13th, 2021 | 41 mins 13 secs
community management, developer experience, developer relations, devrel
All five hosts meet and discuss the year in review.
DevRel Resources (Ep 63)
November 18th, 2021 | 37 mins 30 secs
If there’s one thing that’s true across developer relations professionals, it’s that we live to educate and support. That extends to our fellow devrels - and in recent years, a flurry of developer relations related supporting materials have surfaced; from blogs to books, tweets to (ahem) podcasts, and more. What’s the best way to dig through them all to get the support and guidance you need? Today’s guests will cover that from several angles - from someone new to the devrel world, to someone looking to get more folks connected to devrel, and us hosts that are somewhere in between.
DevRel Salary Survey Results (Ep 62)
October 15th, 2021 | 39 mins 4 secs
Figuring out what the standard pay is for a DevRel professional can be difficult, especially when considering expectations, experience, and different niche industries within tech. What’s the average, what makes sense for the role, what’s fair - these are all questions that come to mind when considering compensation for what we do. Luckily, today’s guests have gathered some information and crunched the numbers to help you make a more informed approach to what a fair salary is for your role.
Virtual Events and ROI - Are we getting our money's worth? (Ep 61)
September 3rd, 2021 | 38 mins 7 secs
Over the last year, we’ve talked about virtual events quite a bit - from how to get started to bringing things together in a short period of time. That said, being a sponsor at these virtual events has been somewhat of a challenge. With no real “booth” or physical location for interaction, where can value be found in these events and how do we show the benefits to our sponsoring organizations. To discuss this, we brought together a few folks who have experienced virtual events from different points of view.
After Pulse: Everything in Moderation
June 25th, 2021 | 17 mins 54 secs
Jason, PJ, Wesley, and SJ sit down to discuss what they learned from our guest on moderation and some of the pitfalls they've experienced in being a part of moderated communities.
Everything in Moderation (Ep 60)
June 4th, 2021 | 35 mins 29 secs
One of the most difficult parts of managing a community is ensuring everyone adheres to a universally acceptable system of behavior. With events, there is generally a Code of Conduct that makes it clear what behaviors are acceptable, what behaviors aren’t, and the consequences of operating outside of the rules. Sometimes it falls on an individual or a team to handle this in the online world. Today, we’ll be talking about moderation with a guest who knows exactly how it works.
DevRel Around the World (Ep 59)
May 28th, 2021 | 29 mins 6 secs
It’s easy to say that Developer Relations and Community Management is not universal, but sometimes, we focus so much on what is being done in our part of the world that we can forget how things might be different in different places. In this episode, we decided to try something a little different. We reached out to folks around the world to tell their stories, to let us know what makes their experiences unique. We wanted to get a sense of what unites us in DevRel and what small or large tweaks need to made to adjust for geography and culture.
Online Community Platforms (Ep 58)
April 16th, 2021 | 44 mins 48 secs
Creating a place for your specific community to gather online is a challenge every Developer Relations or Community team is likely going to address at some point, whether it’s because your executive team is asking you to create this space or you see a need for it. In this episode of Community Pulse, we talk to two specialists in the community industry about what to keep in mind when evaluating how to create a place for your community to gather online.