Community Conferences - What to know?
August 13th, 2024 · 49 mins 1 sec
About this Episode
Over the past few years, we’ve seen conferences ebb and flow. Some community-run conferences have evolved into new things, new ones have sprouted up while other annual favorites have sadly gone extinct. What goes into a community-led conference? How does someone get involved? Let’s take a look!
Mo McElaney
- Contributor Covenant
- Presented “Digital Discrimination: Cognitive Bias in Machine Learning (and LLMs!)“ at PyData Conf on July 29 - look out for the video!
- Speaking at AI for the Rest of Us Conf in London this fall
- Ask a Master Gardener Hotline!
Matty Stratton
- Hevy - lifting app
- She's a Beast - great program Couch to Barbell; amazing discord for folks/community
- Fallout - the game and the show!
- [Devopsdays Chicago CFP]( opens Aug 5!
Wesley Faulkner
- You’re Not Listening by Kate Murphy
Jason Hand
- Wild Spaces
- Becoming SRE
- You Have Not Heard Your Favorite Song: How Streaming Changes Music by Glenn McDonald
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Artwork Photo by Tyler Callahan on Unsplash